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Best Companies in Baltimore - our "personal" reviews of Small Businesses in Baltimore, MD

We are proud to be from Baltimore, MD. It is our corporate headquarters and, we’re lucky to have so many good companies in the area which call the Mid-Atlantic home.
We’re just happy to point out some of the best small business partners and companies which we know and can vouch for as good companies and good people.

It’s often said that it requires a village to raise a child, and it seems true that to raise a good business community it requires a good city. Baltimore, while full of urban issues, also has a lot of great things going for it, which help it prepare for a launch in the next twenty years. Those include a smart, educated work force with an eye for how to make the world better.

Unlike other “tech” cities, we don’t try to hype things in an effort to short-cut our way towards riches. Sure, some do, but Baltimore is still basically a blue collar city. We think hard work actually makes sense, and we don’t need fancy cars, drinks and vacations for us to feel like we can achieve greatness.

Besides companies like Underarmour, Legg Mason and McCormick Spice, Baltimore is home to a wide array of companies with ties to government, medical and hospital and universities. But, dig deeper and you find an entire array of small companies and businesses with cutting edge thoughts about how to make the world better.

We’re proud to connect with what we consider the best small businesses in Baltimore, and hope this page will be full of such companies.

Best Financial Advisor Small Business Company

InvestEd. – a financial advising company in Baltimore, MD with big ambitions. Their goal is to provide personalized financial advice at the lowest fees possible (less than 1%). They do this by combing cutting edge ETF technology trading through top financial companies along with free workshops to help get your current budget and your future finances organized, giving you not only control, but a real sense of calm. We love and use these guys for our own investment advising. Fiduciary and technology combined to be the best financial advisors in the area (in our opinion).

Best Small Business Promotional Products and Retail Manufacturer in Baltimore, MD

PTC Premiums – this company, based in a building in Mt. Vernon, Baltimore, MD provides customized promtoional products and develops innovative retail products. They responsibly produce goods in their facilities in China and create products for retailers as diverse as Home Depot, Fedex Kinkos, TJ Maxx, Lowe's and The Container Store. Many of their "innovations" have sold hundreds of thousands of pieces and they continue to be our go-to company for innovative promotional products and retail items. Experienced, responsible and creative - if you have a retail program, they know how to work with, and best of all, they are right here in Baltimore.